First, what is a cleft palate? Cleft palates and cleft lips are splits in the upper lip, roof of the mouth, or both. Among the most common birth...

World Class Treatment In Your Hometown
Success Stories
Dr. Wood Performs Cochlear Implant Surgery on Youngest Patient Ever
What is cochlear implant surgery? Previously, we profiled cochlear implants performed by our Director of Otology, Dr. Robert Yawn and shared an...
Stewart’s Head & Neck Cancer Success Story
Our Head & Neck Cancer Screening Event At UTHSC ENT, caring for our community is not only our priority, it's our privilege. That's why we...
Success Story: Arlo’s Pediatric Septoplasty
First, what is pediatric septoplasty? Before we share Arlo's amazing success story, let's define septoplasty. In a recent post, we outlined nasal...
Dr. Sheyn & Vascular Anomalies Team Perform Life-Saving Procedure
Meet Shabonna Shabonna is a thirteen year-old girl from Uzbekistan with a life-threatening vascular anomaly: a mass of veins under her face that...
Success Story: “Flawless” Mass Removal from Stensen’s Duct Area
What is Stensen's duct? Stensen's duct, or the parotid duct, is the pathway for saliva to move from the parotid gland (major salivary gland) to the...
Success Story: Cochlear Implant Is “Our Greatest Blessing”
First, what is a cochlear implant? Recently, we profiled cochlear implants performed by our Director of Otology, Dr. Robert Yawn. A cochlear implant...
Success Story: Dr. Stinnett Tackles Spasmodic Dysphonia
First, what is spasmodic dysphonia ("SD")? Spasmodic dysphonia is a voice disorder characterized by involuntary spasms in the voice box. These...
Success Story: Tracheostomy Alternative for Airway Obstruction
What is a tracheostomy? A tracheostomy is a procedure that places a tube into a person's windpipe, allowing them to breathe through the tube rather...
Success Story: “I Can Dream Again” After Sleep Apnea Surgery
Another Successful Sleep Apnea Surgery Our new Sleep Surgery Clinic has quickly become the premiere clinic in the mid-South. We recently profiled...
Success Story: One Patient’s Journey with Head and Neck Cancer
About Our Head and Neck Cancer Division Because every patient is different, UTHSC ENT's Head and Neck Cancer division is committed to personalized...
Success Story: Non-Invasive Treatment for Tracheal Stenosis
What is tracheal stenosis? Tracheal stenosis refers to abnormal narrowing of the trachea that restricts your ability to breathe normally. The...
Success Story: Inspire Device for Sleep Apnea & Snoring
What is the Inspire device? If you saw our recent post, "How To Stop Snoring," you learned about a cutting-edge procedure we've adopted: the Inspire...
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