Assessing Social Vulnerability in Pediatric Head and Neck Cancer
Dr. Anthony Sheyn, head of our Pediatric ENT division, recently co-authored an important study regarding head and neck cancer in children.
This research assesses social vulnerability in both care and prognosis for children experiencing head and neck cancer in the United States.
The study’s central question: are social determinants of health associated with pediatric head and neck cancer clinical care disparities across the US?
This latest publication is one more example of how community-conscious our Dream Team is. UTHSC ENT’s goal is to serve our patients–and by extension, community–through understanding, collaboration, and personalized treatment plans.
We aim for world class treatment in your hoemtown, and and proud to deliver!
How our Dream Team can help:
UTHSC ENT truly provides world class treatment in your hometown. If your child is experiencing an ear, nose, or throat issue, we should be your first call! We’d love to hear from you: (901) 287-7337
Schedule your appointment today:

Anthony Sheyn, M.D.
Pediatric ENT
100 N Humpreys Blvd
Memphis, TN 38120
Make an appointment:
Call: 901-287-7337